Stigmatising China connections: Problems with research on research collaborations

Researchers of Chinese heritage have come under increasing suspicion in countries such as the US, Australia and New Zealand, as potential sources of national security threats. In recent years, media reports have regularly insinuated their wrongdoing and divided loyalties. These stories are often based on studies that purportedly reveal the shadowy connections between these researchers … more

Neican: The Capitol, Hong Kong, United Front, 996

1. The storming of the Capitol The storming of the Capitol by Trump supporters is a vivid reminder that national security threats don’t just come from the “outside” but often originate at home, and sometimes within the government itself. A myopic focus on China that squeezes out other national security priorities could be just as … more

China Neican: 30 November 2020

This week’s topics: social credit system, China studies in Anglophone countries, and perspectives from China 1. Social credit system The State Council’s meeting on Wednesday (25 November 2020) highlighted the importance of developing China’s social credit system 社会信用体系 according to key principles, including lawfulness, prudence, and rights protection. The key message here is that the … more

China Neican: 23 November 2020

This week’s topics: 14 grievances, “China Challenge”, and Shi Yinhong 1. Beijing’s grievances against Australia The Chinese embassy listed 14 grievances as the cause of poor Australia-China relations in a document handed to Australian media last week:   Nothing on the list should come as a surprise: all have previously been mentioned by Chinese officials … more

Can Confucius Institutes survive on Australian university campuses?

Confucius Institutes have always been controversial because of their links to the Chinese government and their physical location on university campuses. Academics, the media and the general public have raised concerns that they could restrict academic freedom, spread propaganda and allow the Chinese government to influence universities. In the context of increasing apprehension about China … more

China Neican: 16 November 2020

This week’s topics: Hong Kong, monopoly regulation, ASEAN, foreign interference   1. Beijing ousts opposition legislators in HK The Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress, China’s top legislative body, passed a resolution on Wednesday, mandating the immediate disqualification of Hong Kong’s Legislative Council members who: advocates or supports the cause of “Hong Kong independence” … more

China Neican: 9 November 2020

This week’s topics: US-China relation under Biden, Ant Group IPO, Australia-China trade, Foreign interference. 1. US-China relations under Biden There is no doubt that US policy on China sits at the top of President-elect Biden’s list of foreign policy priorities. At the moment, the US faces many internal challenges that reduce its ability to engage … more

A community of shared destiny?

Xi Jinping talks a lot about a possible ‘community of shared destiny’. Sounds like a good idea, but one that’s sharply at odds with much recent Chinese foreign policy. Nevertheless, it could offer a way of resetting the PRC’s international relations, especially if it is based on common environmental problems. For someone who is not … more

China Neican: 19 October 2020

This week’s topics: Chinese-Australians, Shenzhen’s 40th anniversary, and Beijing’s assessment of US power 1. Chinese-Australians Hi everyone, it’s Yun here. I have a few things to say about the latest saga that I’ve unfortunately become part of. There has already been much media coverage on this. For those who have not been following, essentially a … more