Online Material: Further Reading


China Story Yearbook 2012

Red Rising, Red Eclipse


Introduction: Red Rising

Geremie R. Barmé, ‘China’s Flat Earth: History and 8th August 2008’, The China Quarterly, vol.197 (2009): 64-86.

William A. Callahan, China: The Pessoptimist Nation, New York: Oxford University Press, 2009.

Robert Foyle Hunwick, ‘Utopia Website Shutdown: Interview with Fan Jinggang’, 14 April 2012 on Danwei, online at:

Kevin Rudd, ‘Australia and China in the World’, Seventieth George E. Morrison Lecture on Ethnology, The Australian National University, 23 April 2010 at

Kate Merkel-Hess, Kenneth L. Pomeranz and Jeffrey N. Wasserstrom, eds, China in 2008: A Year of Great Significance, Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield, 2009.


Chapter 1: China’s Foreign Policy

Thomas Christensen, ‘The Advantages of an Assertive China’, Foreign Affairs, vol.90 no.2 (March/April 2011): 54-67.

Jonathan Holslag, Trapped Giant: China’s Military Rise, London: Routledge for the International Institute for Strategic Studies, 2011.

International Crisis Group, ‘Stirring up the South China Sea’, Asia Report, no. 223, 23 April 2012 at:

Wang Jisi, ‘China’s Search for a Grand Strategy: A Rising Great Power Finds Its Way’, Foreign Affairs, vol.90 no.2 (March/April 2011): 68-79.

Robert D. Kaplan, ‘The Geography of Chinese Power: How Far Can Beijing Reach on Land and at Sea?’, Foreign Affairs, vol.89 no.3 (May/June 2010): 22-41.

Henry Kissinger, On China, London: Allen Lane, 2011.

William H. Overholt, ‘Reassessing China: Awaiting Xi Jinping’, The Washington Quarterly, vol.35 no.2 (Spring 2012): 121-137.

Kevin Rudd, ‘The West isn’t Ready for the Rise of China’, New Statesman, 11 July 2012, at:

David Shambaugh, ‘Coping with a Conflicted China’, The Washington Quarterly, vol.34 no.1 (Winter 2011): 7-27.

Susan L. Shirk, China: Fragile Superpower, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007.

Michael D. Swaine, ‘China’s Assertive Behaviour Part One: On “Core Interests” ’, China Leadership Monitor, no.34 (2011) at:

Hugh White, Power Shift: Australia’s Future between Washington and Beijing, Quarterly Essay, Issue 39, Collingwood, Victoria: Black Inc., 2010.


Chapter 2: Symbolic Cities

Jeremy Brown, City Versus Countryside in Mao’s China. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2012.

Carolyn Cartier, ‘Transnational Urbanism in the Reform Era Chinese City: Landscapes from Shenzhen,’ Urban Studies, vol.39 no.9 (2002): 1513-1532.
‘The World City’ in John A. Agnew and James S. Duncan, eds, The Blackwell Companion to Human Geography, London: Wiley-Blackwell, pp.313-324, 2011.

Anita Chan, Richard Madsen and Jonathan Unger, Chen Village: Revolution to Globalization, Berkeley: University of California Press, 2009.

Philip C.C. Huang, ‘Chongqing: Equitable Development Driven by a “Third Hand”?’, Modern China, 37(2011): 569-622.

George Lin, Developing China. Land Politics and Social Conditions, London: Routledge, 2009.

You-tien Hsing, The Great Urban Transformation. Politics of Land and Property in China, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010.

Ezra Vogel, One Step Ahead in China: Guangdong under Reform, Cambridge; Harvard University Press, 1990.


Chapter 3: The Ideology of Law and Order

On Stability Maintenance

Chris Buckley, ‘Insight: In China, Security Drive Sows Own Seeds of Unrest’, online at:

Peter Mattis, ‘The Foundations of China’s Future Stability’, Asia-Pacific Bulletin (East-West-Center), no.149 (February 2012) online at:


Susan V. Lawrence and Michael F. Martin, Understanding China’s Political System, CRC report for Congress, 10 May 2012, online at:

Perry Link, ‘America’s Outdated View of China’, Washington Post, 11 May 2012, online at:…us…china/…/gIQAUvgaGU_story.html.

Leadership Succession

John Dodson, ‘The Chinese Communist Party and its Emerging Next-Generation Leaders’, U.S. China Economic and Security Review Commission Staff Research Report, 23 March, 2012, online at:

Bruce Gilley, ‘The Politics and Policy of Leadership Succession’, China Brief, vol.12 no.2 (20 January 2012), online at:[tt_news]=38910&tx_ttnews[backPid]=589

David Kelly, ‘Stability and Social Governance in China’, East Asia Forum, 13 September 2011, online at:

Crime and Policing

Norman P. Ho, ‘Organised Crime in China: the Chongqing Crackdown’, in John Garrick, ed, Law and Policy for China’s Market Socialism, Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge, 2012, pp.202-214.

Willy Lam, ‘Chen Guangcheng Fiasco Shows Dim Prospects for Politico-Legal Reform’, China Brief, vol.12 no.10 (11 May, 2012), on-line at:[tt_news]=39359&cHash=91e929a7aa10a8831b80615a192b08ea.

Susan Trevaskes, Policing Serious Crime in China: from Strike Hard to Kill Fewer, London: Routledge, 2010.

Citizen and State

Perry Keller ed., The Citizen and the Chinese State, Ashgate: London, 2012.

Rachel Stern and Kevin O’Brien, ‘Politics at the Boundary: Mixed Signals and the Chinese State’, unpublished paper, 11 June 2011, online at:

Yu Hua, ‘The Arab Spring and the Chinese Autumn’, New Perspectives Quarterly, vol.29, no.1 (2012): 49-51, online at:


Chapter 4: Uncertain Numbers, Uncertain Outcomes

China’s Fertility Rate

Zhao, Zhongwei and Wei Chen, ‘China’s far below replacement fertility and its long-term impact: Comments on the preliminary results of the 2010 Census’, Demographic Research, vol.25 article 26 (2011): 819-36, at

Cai, Fang, ‘The Coming Demographic Impact on China’s Growth: the age factor in the middle-income trap’, Asian Economic Papers, vol.11 no.1 (2012): 95-111.

Surplus Labour

Meng, ‘Has China Run Out of Surplus Labour?’, China Economic Review vol.22 (2011): 555-572, at

Demographic Dividend

Jane Golley and Rod Tyers, ‘Demographic Dividends, Dependencies and Economic Growth in China and India’, forthcoming in Asian Economic Papers, vol.11 no.2 (Summer/Fall 2012).

Sex Ratio

Du, Qingyuan and Shang-jin Wei, ‘A Sexually Unbalanced Model of Current Account Imbalances’, NBER Working Paper 16000 (May 2010), online at:

Economic Growth Prospects

Derek Scissors, ‘China Grows at 10 per cent Again: is this believable’, January 2011,

Banking and Financial System

Carl Walter and Fraser Howie, Red Capitalism: The Fragile Financial Foundation of China’s Extraordinary Rise, New Jersey: Wiley, 2011.

‘Gray’ Income

Wang, Xiaolu and Wing Thye Woo, ‘The size and distribution of hidden household income in China’, Asian Economic Papers, vol.10 no.1 (2011): 1-30. Also at:


Chapter 5: Discontent in Digital China

The State and the Internet

David Barndurski, ‘How the Chinese Media Relate to Power,’ China Media Project, 20 March 2012, at

Geremie R. Barmé and Sang Ye, ‘The Great Firewall of China’, Wired vol.5 no.6 (1997), at:

Geremie R. Barmé, ‘The Harmonious Evolution of Information in China’, China Beat, 29 January 2010, at:

Gloria Davies, ‘Bibliomania in Sino-cyberspace’, China Heritage Quarterly 13 (2008) at:

Hassid, Jonathan, ‘Controlling the Chinese media: an Uncertain Business’, Asian Survey, vol.48 no.3 (2008): 414-430.

Gary King, Jennifer Pan and Margaret Roberts, ‘How Censorship in China Allows Government Allows Criticism but Silences Collective Expression’, Harvard University, 18 June 2012, downloadable PDF, at: (5.5 MB).

Rebecca Mackinnon, ‘Google Confronts the Great Firewall’, Foreign Policy, 31 May 2012 at:
‘Networked Authoritarianism in China and Beyond: Implications for Global Internet Freedom’ paper presented at Stanford University, 11-12 October 2010, at

Isaac Mao, speech delivered at the Fortieth Anniversary of the Internet, University of California Los Angeles, 29 October 2009, at:

Online Dissent

Geremie R. Barmé, ‘A View on Ai Weiwei’s Exit’, China Beat, 27 April 2011, at

Gloria Davies, ‘Homo Dissensum Significans, or the Perils of Taking a Stand in China,’ Social Text, vol.29 no.4 (2011): 29-56.

David K. Herold and Peter Marolt, eds, Online Society in China: creating, celebrating, and instrumentalising the online carnival, Abingdon: Routledge, 2011.

Evan Osnos, ‘The Han Dynasty: how far can a youth-culture idol tweak China’s establishment?’, The New Yorker, 4 July 2011, pp.51-59. Also at:

Simon Shen and Shaun Breslin, eds, Online Chinese Nationalism and China’s Bilateral Relations, Lanham: Lexington Books, 2010.

Shaojung Sharon Wang, ‘China’s Internet Lexicon: the Symbolic Meaning and Commoditization of Grass Mud Horse in Contemporary Society’, First Monday, vol.17 nos.1-2 (2011), at:


Chapter 6: Searching for a Sage Today

Kam Louie, ‘Confucius the Chameleon: Dubious Envoy for “Brand China” ’, boundary 2, vol.38 no.1 (2011): 77-100.


Chapter 7: Behind the Great Firewall

Danwei: Wenzhou Train Crash One Year Memorial, We Survived a Day in China

China Smack: Entries Tagged ‘7-23 Train Crash’

China Media Project: History of High-speed Propaganda Tells All

ChinaGeeks: Han Han, the Derailed Country, Death on the High-speed Railway

Shanghaiist: Entries Tagged ‘Railways’

Caixin: 痛定思痛谈铁路

Utopia: 7.23背后隐藏的“普世价值”

Economic Observer: 王勇平:’我发生了一点意料不到的事情 温州动车事故遇难赔偿金由50万提至91.5万元


Chapter 10: Red Eclipse

Geremie R. Barmé, ‘Australia and China in the World: Whose Literacy?’, Australian Centre on China in the World Inaugural Annual Lecture, 15 July 2011. Full text available online at:

William A. Callahan, ‘Sino-speak: Chinese Exceptionalism and the Politics of History’, The Journal of Asian Studies, vol.71, no.1 (February 2012): 1-23.

Children of Yan’an website:

Mark Elliott, ‘The Historical Vision of the Prosperous Age (shengshi 盛世)’, China Heritage Quarterly, Issue 29 (March 2012) at

Sebastian Veg, ed, ‘Mao Today: A Political Icon for an Age of Prosperity’, China Perspectives, 2012/2, online at