Chapter Notes

Introduction: Under One Heaven, pp. vi-xxxvii

Page xii, See Jin Kai, ‘Can China Build a Community of Common Destiny’, The Diplomat, 28 November 2013, online at:

Page xii, See ‘Xi Jinping: China to further friendly relations with neighboring countries’, Xinhua, 26 October 2013, online at:

Page xii, See ‘Xi Jinping: Let the Sense of Community of Common Destiny Take Deep Root in Neighbouring Countries’, Xinhua, 25 October 2013, online at:; and, Neil Thomas, ‘Rhetoric and Reality — Xi Jinping’s Australia Policy’, The China Story Journal, 15 March 2015, online at:

Page xiii, See Richard Rigby, ‘Tianxia 天下’, in China Story Yearbook 2013: Civilising China, pp.75-79; online at:天下/

Page xiii, Wang Gungwu, Renewal: The Chinese State and the New Global History, Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press, 2013, excerpted online at:王庚武-on-tianxia-天下/

Page xiv, For an overview of the anxieties of the 1980s, see ‘Crisis Consciousness: “China Problem Studies” ’, in Geremie Barmé and Linda Jaivin, eds, New Ghosts, Old Dreams: Chinese Rebel Voices, New York: Times Books, 1992, pp.165-170; and, for later worriers, see Gloria Davies, Worrying about China: the language of Chinese critical inquiry, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2009.

Page xvii, Geremie R Barmé, ‘Shengshi Zhongguo 盛世中国 China’s New Prosperous Age’, China Heritage Quarterly, no.26 (June 2011), online at:

Page xviii, See  

Page xviii, See Alice Miller, ‘The CCP Central Committee’s Leading Small Groups’, China Leadership Monitor, no.26 (September 2008); and, Alice Miller, ‘More Already on the Central Committee’s Leading Small Groups’, China Leadership Monitor, no.44 (July 2014), online at:

Page xxiii, Simon Leys, ‘The Art of Interpreting Nonexistent Inscriptions Written in Invisible Ink on a Blank Page’, New York Review of Books, 11 October 1990, online at:

Page xxvi, Deng Yuwen, ‘Ten Grave Problems Facing China’, The China Story Journal, 8 September 2012, online at:; and, Rong Jian, ‘Ten Questions for China’ 中国十问, online at:

Page xxvii, See ‘Bo Xilai’, China Story Yearbook 2013, pp.210-211, online at:

Page xxviii, Geremie R Barmé, ‘Conclusion: Red Eclipse’, China Story Yearbook 2012: Red Rising, Red Eclipse, pp.271-274, online at:

Page xxxi, From Geremie R Barmé, ‘Tyger, Tyger — a fearful symmetry’, The China Story Journal, 16 October 2014, online at:

Page xxxiii, Geremie R Barmé, ‘Engineering Chinese Civilisation’, China Story Yearbook 2013, p.xiv, online at:

Page xxxiv, ‘Xi Jinping: Establish a New System of Ceremonies and Promote Mainstream Values 习近平:建立礼仪制度、传播主流价值’, 26 February 2014, Xinwen chenbao, online at:

Page xxxiv, Chiang Kai-shek, China’s Destiny & Chinese Economic Theory, With Notes and Commentary by Philip Jaffe, London: Dennis Dobson Ltd., 1947.

Page xxxiv, See; and,

Page xxxv, Chiang Kai-shek, China’s Destiny, pp.201-202, 210, 215, 217, 231 and 232.

Page xxxvi, See

Page xxxvi, Geremie R Barmé, ‘New Sinology后汉学/後漢學’, online at:

Forum: All That Is Old, pp. 4-17

Page 15, Anonymous, ‘Father reports son for being unfilial after son invites his separated parents to his birthday’ 儿子生日 请离异父母团聚 父亲吃醋举报儿子不孝, Chongqing Wanbao 重庆晚报, 13 December 2013, online at:

Page 16, Quanguo Renda Fagui Ku 全国人大法规库, ‘The Law of the Protection of Rights and Interests of Elderly People in People’s Republic of China’ 中华人民共和国老年人权益保障法, 4 August 2005, online at:

Page 16, Xinhua She 新华社, ‘Order of the President of the People’s Republic of China’ 中华人民共和国主席令, 28 December 2012, online at:

Page 16, Zhuang Pinghui, ‘New standards on filial piety cause unhappiness’, The Southern China Morning Post, 20 August 2012, online at:

Page 17, CIA: The World Factbook: China, 22 June 2014, online at:

Page 17, Anonymous, ‘Paying for the grey: Pensions and retirement’, The Economist, 5 April 2014, online at:

Chapter 1: Great Expectations, pp. 18-41

Page 22
, 中共中央关于全面深化改革若干重大问题的决定(CCP Central Committee Resolution concerning some major issues in comprehensively deepening reform), in Chinese and English, online at

Page 22, Barry Naughton, ‘After the Third Plenum: Economic reform revival moves toward implementation’, China Leadership Monitory, No. 43, March 2014.

Page 23, Daniel Rosen, ‘Economic decision-making with Chinese characteristics’. This article was adapted from a presentation at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, 19 March 2014, online at:

Page 23, Quoted in Mark Kenny and Philip Wen, ‘Tony Abbott lauds wealth and friendship at business forum in China’, The Sydney Morning Herald, 10 April 2014, online at:

Page 23, Ronald McKinnon, ‘China’s currency conundrum’, East Asia Forum, 28 April 2014, online at: See his book The Unloved Dollar Standard from Bretton Woods to the Rise of China, Oxford University Press, Oxford and New York, 2012, for a more comprehensive treatment of his views on this topic.

Page 26, Peter Ho, ‘In defense of endogenous spontaneously ordered development: institutional functionalism and Chinese property rights’, Journal of Peasant Studies 40(6): 1087-1118, 2013. Quote taken from p. 1088.

Page 28, Christopher McNally, ’Refurbishing State Capitalism: A policy analysis of efforts to rebalance China’s political economy’, Journal of Current Chinese Affairs 4/2013 (2013): 45-71.

Page 30, Christopher McNally, ‘Sino-capitalism: China’s reemergence and the international political economy’, World Politics, 64(4) (2012): 741-76.

Page 31, These figures are taken from Christine Wong. ‘Paying for urbanisation in China: the challenges of municipal finance in the twenty-first century’, in Roy Bahl, Johannes Lin and Deborah Wetzel eds, Financing Metropolitan governments in Developing countries, Cambridge, Mass: Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, 2013. See this chapter for an excellent analysis on the financing of urbanisation in China.

Page 32, See 国家新型城镇化规划(2014-2020年)The National New-Type Urbanisation Plan (2014-2020) is available online (in Chinese) at: and The World Bank and the Development Research Center of the State Council, People’s Republic of China, ‘Urban China: Toward Efficient, Inclusive and Sustainable Urbanisation’, 2014, available online at:

Page 34, Sally Sargeson, ‘Violence as development: land expropriation and China’s urbanization’, Journal of Peasant Studies, 40(6) (2013): 1063-85. Quote from page 1077.

Page 35, Him Chung and Jonathan Unger, ‘The Guangdong Model of Urbanisation: collective village land and the making of a new middle class’, China Perspectives, No. 2013/3 (2013): 33-41.

Page 36, Tom Miller, China’s Urban Billion: the story behind the biggest migration in human history, London: Zed Books, 2012.

Page 37, Yu Yongding, ‘The long march from the Third Plenum’ in Project Syndicate, 11 December 2013, online at:

Forum: Mixed Economic Messages, pp. 42-55

Page 44, Vijay V. Vaitheeswaran, ‘A Damp Squib’, The Economist, 30 September 2013, online at:

Page 44, ‘Shanghai’s Careful Steps Forward’, Caixin Online, 10 August 2013, online at:

Page 47, American Chamber of Commerce in China, ‘AmCham China Supports Reform Agenda, Increasingly Concerned About Fairness’, 2 September 2014, online at:

Page 47, Scott Lanman, ‘China Targeting Foreign Companies, American Chamber Says’, Bloomberg, 2 September 2014, online at:

Page 47, Zhang Lifen, ‘Xi’s war on corruption spreads to China’s executive MBAs’, Financial Times, 5 September 2014, online at:

Chapter 2: Whose Shared Destiny?, pp. 56-77

Page 59, Jin Kai, ‘Can China Build a Community of Common Destiny?’, The Diplomat, 28 November 2013, online at:

Page 59, For further reading see Consulate-General of the People’s Republic of China in Sydney, ‘Xi Jinping: Let the Sense of Community of Common Destiny Take Deep Root in Neighbouring Countries’, 25 October 2013, online at: [accessed 12 June 2014]

Page 60, See, for example, Zhou Fangyin, ‘Community of common destiny wise way to counter US shift to Asia’, Global Times, 27 April 2014, online at:

Page 61, Zhao Minghao, ‘ “Nixon-Mao” 2.0’, Project Syndicate, 7 June 2013, online at:

Page 61, Xinhua, ‘Trust-building needed to cut Gordian Knot of China-US military ties’, Global Times, 18 December 2013, online at:

Page 62, Devlin Barrett and Siobhan Gorman, ‘US charges five in Chinese Army with Hacking’, The Wall Street Journal, 19 May 2014, online at:

Page 62, Kristine Kwok, ‘Tensions run high at security forum as Chinese official criticizes US, Japan’, South China Morning Post, 2 June 2014, online at:

Page 62, Amy King, ‘Where does Japan fit in China’s new type of great power relations?’, The Asan Forum, 20 March 2014, online at:

Page 62, Zachary Keck, ‘China’s Military Trains for War against Japan’, The Diplomat, 19 February 2014, online at:

Page 64, ‘China seizes Japan Cargo ship over pre-war debt’, BBC News Asia, 21 April 2014, online at:

Page 64, Reuters, ‘Chinese jets, SDF flirt with “Top Gun” scenario near Senkakus’, The Japan Times, 25 May 2014, online at:; and ‘Chinese fighter buzzes SDF aircraft again’, The Asahi Shimbun, 12 June 2014, online at:

Page 64, Miles Yu, ‘Inside China: How not to make friends China style’, The Washington Times, 29 May 2014, online at:

Page 65, Cited in Jane Perlez, ‘Chinese President’s Visit to South Korea Is Seen as Way to Weaken U.S. Alliances’, The New York Times, 2 July 2014, online at:

Page 65, Kim Jiyoon, Karl Friedhoff, Chang Chungku and Lee Euicheol, ‘South Korean Attitudes on China’, Asan Report, The Asan Institute for Policy Studies, July 2014, online at:

Page 65, Alexandre Mansourov, ‘North Korea: The Dramatic Fall of Jang Song Thaek’, 38 North, 9 December 2013, online at:

Page 65, Zachary Keck, ‘North Korea almost shot down a Chinese jet’, The Diplomat, 6 March 2014, online at:

Page 65, Julian Ryall, ‘China plans for North Korean regime collapse leaked’, The Telegraph, 5 May 2014, online at:

Page 66, Richard Javad Heydarian, ‘The Philippines-China-US Triangle: A Precarious Relationship’, The National Interest, 1 May 2014, online at:

Page 67, Ankit Panda, ‘Why did China set up an oil rig within Vietnamese waters?’, The Diplomat, 13 May 2014, online at:

Page 67, Julie Makinen, ‘Vietnam mobs torch foreign factories, in anti-China protests’, Los Angeles Times, 14 May 2014, online at:

Page 67, ‘Yearender: China, Malaysia eye closer ties at 40th anniversary of diplomatic relations’, Xinhua, 6 December 2013, online at:

Page 68, Shannon Tiezzi, ‘Could Flight 370 damage China-Malaysia relations?’, The Diplomat, 22 March 14, online at:

Page 68, Berni Moestafa and Sharon Chen, ‘Indonesia flags military build up to protect presence in South China Sea’, The Sydney Morning Herald, 30 May 2014, online at:

Page 70, For a useful review of Australia-China relations during this period see Linda Jakobson, ‘Australia’s Relations with China in Turbulence’, The Asan Forum, 25 January 2014, online at:

Page 70, For further reading on Prime Minister Abbott’s Northeast Asian visit see Rowan Callick, ‘PM pitch-perfect on Asia’, The Australian, 14 April 2014, online at:

Page 70, US Department of Defense, ‘Joint Statement from the Japan-US-Australia Defense Ministers Meeting’, 30 May 2014, online at:

Page 70, David Crowe and Scott Murdoch, ‘Don’t see China as threat: Abbott’, The Australian, 11 June 2014, online at:

Page 70, For further reading on this episode see ‘Beijing lashes “absurd” Clive Palmer’, The Australian, 22 August 2014, online at:; and Rowan Callick and Hedley Thomas, ‘Why Clive Palmer apologised twice to the Chinese’, The Australian, 28 August 2014, online at:

Page 71, Leslie H. Gelb and Dimitri K. Simes, ‘Beware collusion of China, Russia’, The National Interest, July-August 2013, online at:

Page 71, ‘China and Russia: best frenemies’, The Economist, 24 May 2014, online at:

Page 71, Xinhua, ‘China champions new Asian Security Concept: Xi’, China Daily, 21 May 2014, online at:

Page 71, Minnie Chan, ‘China, Russia start joint naval exercise’, South China Morning Post, 20 May 2014, online at:

Page 71, See, for example, Ali Wyne, ‘The Limits of China-Russia Cooperation’, The Wall Street Journal, 22 May 2014, online at:; and Rebecca Fabrizi, ‘Russia-China strategic relations are still less than meets the eye’, East Asia Forum, 10 June 2014, online at:

Page 72, Brad Glosserman, ‘China’s Grand Strategy Disaster’, The National Interest, 20 May 2014, online at:

Page 72, Rory Medcalf, ‘China’s premature power play goes very wrong’, The National Interest, 3 June 2014, online at:

Page 72, Hugh White, ‘Explaining China’s behaviour in the East and South China Seas’, The Interpreter, 22 May 2014, online at:

Page 72, Zhai Kun, ‘The Xi Jinping Doctrine of Chinese Diplomacy’, China US Focus, 25 March 2014, online at:

Forum: China In The World, pp. 78-105

Page 84, Ananth Krishnan, ‘Delhi, Kabul warn China: Pak maybe your ally but it exports terror’, India Today, 31 October 2014, online at

Page 95, Qi Luwan齐鲁晚, ‘Russian Media: Xi Jinping once said to Putin “our personalities are very alike” 俄媒:习近平曾对普京“我和您性格很相似”’, Xinhua, 25 March 2013, online at:

Page 96, Jane Perlez, ‘Ukraine conflict has been a lift for China, scholars say’, The New York Times, 1 September 2014, online at:

Page 96, Shuai Anning, ‘Commentary: Hasty conclusion on airliner crash detrimental to regional situation’, Xinhua, 18 July 2014, online at:   

See also: 20 May 2104 China Russia joint statement on Ukraine:
China, Russia express ‘grave concerns’ over Ukraine, online at:

Page 92, Jamie Walker, ‘China foreign investment rules racist, says Clive Palmer’, The Australian, 29 September 2009, online at

Page 99, Xi Jinping 习近平, ‘President Xi’s speech at the College of Europe’,, 1 April 2014, online at:

Page 99, ‘China’s Policy Paper on the EU: Deepen the China-EU Comprehensive Strategic Partnership for Mutual Benefit and Win-win Cooperation’, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of China, 2 April 2014, online at:

Page 100, ‘Case AD590 — Solar panels (Crystalline silicon photovoltaic modules and key components)’, online at:

Page 100, ‘EU-China 2020 Strategic Agenda for Cooperation’, 21 November 2013, online at:

Page 100, ‘China, EU pledge stronger trade links at leaders’ Summit’, Xinhua, 22 November 2013, online at:

Page 101, Deng Xiao Tian 郭小天, ‘British Ambassador to China gives exclusive interview to Xinhua’, Xinhua, 2 July 2014, online in English at:; online in Chinese at:

Page 101, ‘EU and China hold investment talks ahead of President Xi Jinping visit to Brussels’, European Commission IP/14/291, 24 March 2014, online at:

Page 101, There are ‘national coordinators’ in each country. For China this is Vice Foreign Minister Wang Chao 王超. View the press release from the third national coordinators’ meeting online at:

Page 102, View details online at: The Hungarian government originally published an explanatory note online at:

Page 102, Hans Kundnani and Jonas Parello-Plesner, ‘China and Germany: why the emerging special relationship matters for Europe’, ECFR policy brief, May 2012, online at:

Page 103, Le Nouvel Observateur avec AFP, ‘50 accords à 18 milliards d’euros entre la France et La Chine’, Le Nouvel Observateur, 26 March 2014, online at:

Page 103, Isabel Oakeshott and Jack Grimston, ‘Cabinet split over bullying by Beijing’, The Sunday Times, 17 February 2013, online at:

Page 103, ‘Global image of the United States and China’, Pew Research Global Attitudes Project, 18 July 2013, online at:

Chapter 3: The Chinese Internet – Unshared Destiny, pp. 106-127

Page 110, Josh Horwitz, ‘China’s WeChat introduces in-store payments for Dairy Queen and 8 other chains’, Tech in Asia, 15 September 2014, online at:

Page 110, Xinhua, ‘WeChat shuts 20 million prostitution-related accounts’, The Global Times, 12 June 2014, online at:

Page 111, Alibaba prospectus, ‘SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION Form F-1

REGISTRATION STATEMENT,’ Security and Exchange Commission website, 6 May 2014, online at:

Page 112, Xinhua, ‘Interview: Big potential lies in China-S. Korea Internet cooperation: Baidu’s Robin Li’,, 5 July 2014, online at:

Page 112, Paul Bischoff, ‘China web giant Baidu launches search engine in Brazil’, Tech in Asia, 18 July 2014, online at:

Page 114, Shai Oster and Allen Wan, ‘Chinese gripe at being left out of Alibaba’s IPO’, Bloomberg, 15 September 2014, online at:

Page 116, Xinhua, ‘Xi Jinping leads Internet security group’, Xinhua, 27 February 2014, online at:

Page 116, Miao Xiaojuan, ‘China stands firm on Internet security amid Google drama’, website of the Chinese Embassy in the United States, 14 January 2014, online at:

Page 117, Information Office of the State Council of the PRC, ‘The Internet in China’,, 8 June 2010, online at:

Page 118, People’s Daily, ‘Internet sovereignty: A topic that cannot be avoided’ :一个不容回避的议题论坛, Editorial, 23 June 2014, online at:

Page 118, Neobservation, ‘Global Times: Great Firewall father speaks out’, Neobservation blog, 18 February 2011, online at:  (originally published at:

Page 119, Icann, ‘Transcript of 50th meeting of Icann’, 23 June 2014, online at,d.cGU

Page 119, L. Gordon Crovitz, ‘The Internet power vacuum worsens’, The Wall Street Journal, 7 September 2014, online at:

Page 119, Rory Gallivan, ‘Countries scramble for Internet sovereignty as Icann shifts’, The Wall Street Journal, 27 June 2014, online at:

Page 120, ‘Cyberspace sovereignty should be respected’, The China Daily, 18 July 2014, online at:

Page 122, Xinhua, ‘China to hold high-level world Internet conference’, iCrossChina, 30 October 2014, online at

Page 122, ‘习近平在巴西国会的演讲, Xinhua, 17 July 2014, online at:

Forum: Begging to Differ, pp. 128-145

Page 130, Xinhua, ‘Xi calls for unity, greater contribution of overseas Chinese’, 7 June 2014, online at:

Page 143,

Chapter 4: Destiny’s Mixed Metaphors, pp. 146-173

Page 149, ‘About Qiushi Journal’, Qiushi Journal, 19 September 2011, online at:

Page 149, ‘The China Dream and the New Horizon of Sinicised Marxism’ 中国梦与马克思主义中国化的新境界, Qiushi Journal, 23 April 2014, online at: The article first appeared in Red Flag Manuscripts 红旗文稿, an offshoot of Qiushi Journal and a leading outlet for the publication of Party theory and ideas and policies of the moment.

Page 150, Zhang Ji 张纪, ‘The China Dream: to form a community of shared destiny for all of humanity’ 中国梦:铸就人类命运共同体, Xinhua, 1 November 2013, online at: The definition of a ‘community of shared destiny’ in this article (first published in the Party journal Party Construction 党建) was provided by Cong Bin, Vice-Chairman of the Central Committee of the Jiusan Society (‘September Third Society’), one of eight legally recognised minor political parties under the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party. In using Cong’s endorsement of the ‘China Dream’, the state media sought to demonstrate unanimous commitment to Xi Jinping’s vision. The article and Cong’ definition of the China Dream were reproduced on numerous websites.

Page 152, There are numerous English-language media reports on these two arrests. See, for instance, Keith Zhai, ‘Rights advocate Wang Gongquan: latest to give video confession’, South China Morning Post, 5 December 2013, online at:

Page 152, The transcript has been posted on numerous websites including on China Digital Times, titled ‘Full transcript of Xi Jinping’s 19 August speech: in the use of language, one must dare to grasp, control and unsheathe the sword’网传习近平8•19讲话全文:言论方面要敢抓敢管敢于亮剑,

Page 153, Cai Zhaoming蔡名照, Tell China’s Story Well, Spread China’s Voice Well’  讲好中国故事, 传播好中国声音, People’s Daily, 10 October 2013, online at: An English translation is available at Liu Yunshan has made a point of quoting from Xi’s speech in several of his own speeches since August 2013. See for example, his speech on 3 January 2014, reported in Xinhua, ‘In Beijing, the National Conference of Propaganda Chiefs has started: Liu Yunshan demands even greater initiative and enthusiasm in all areas of work’ 全国宣传部长会议在京召开:刘云山要求更加积极主动奋发有为做好各项工作, Xinhua, 3 January 2014, online at:

Page 153, Qian Gang, ‘Parsing the Public Opinion Struggle’, China Media Project, 24 September 2013, online at:

Page 154, Xi visited Chongqing in December 2010. See, for example, Liu Yawei, ‘Bo Xilai’s Campaign for the Standing Committee and the Future of Chinese Politicking’, China Brief Vol. 11 No. 21 (11 November 2011), available at

Page 154, Gong Litang 龚立堂, ‘“Cognition, Strategy, Effect”: an analysis of the Party’s promotion of its Mass Line Education and Practice Campaign’ 认知•策划•效应:党的群众路线教育实践活动宣传探析, The Press 新闻战线, 1 September 2013, online at:

Page 155, Chen Ziming 陈子明, ‘“The Struggle for Public Opinion” and “Daring to Unsheathe the Sword”’  ‘舆论斗争’ 与 ‘敢于亮剑’, 6 October 2013, online at:

Page 155, In Chinese: 面对强大的对手,明知不敌,也要毅然亮剑,即使倒下,也要成为一座山,一道岭!

Page 156, Geng Song and Derek Hird, Men and Masculinities in Contemporary China, (Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2014), pp. 46-47

Page 156, ‘Transcript of the Expert Symposium on CCTV Hit TV Series Unsheathe the Sword’ 央视热播电视剧《亮剑》专家研讨会实录, Sina Entertainment 新浪娱乐, 16 November 2005, online at:

Page 156, The popular online expression appears, among other places, in a widely circulated unattributed blog post ‘Xi Jinping “unsheathes his sword” at meeting with Biden to reaffirm China’s Air Defence Identification Zone’ 习近平“亮剑”向拜登重申识别区立场, 5 December 2013, online at:

Page 157, See the report (unattributed) ‘From Weibo to WeChat’, The Economist, 18 January 2014, online at: The figures appear in CNNIC’s January 2014 publication ‘Statistical Report on Internet Development in China’ 中国互联网络发展统计报告, CNNIC,

Page 158, On Maoist China’s revolutionary virtuocracy, see Susan Shirk, Competitive Comrades: Career Incentives and Student Strategies in China (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1982). On post-Maoist kleptocracy, see Evan Osnos, ‘Brother Wristwatch and Grandpa Wen: Chinese Kleptocracy’, The New Yorker, 25 October 2012, online at:

Page 158, Yin Guoming 尹国明, ‘Why I Call the Democracy Movement an Evil Cult’ 为什么说民运也是一种邪教, reposted on Qiushi Journal, 11 June 2014, online at:

Page 159, Andrew Jacobs, ‘Chinese Professor Who Advocated Free Speech Is Fired’, The New York Times, 10 December 2013, online at: On the politics of these sackings, see Shi Yige, ‘The way Xi moves: speech under assault’, China Media Project, 18 March 2014, online at:

Page 159, Yiqin Fu, ‘A “Narrowing Path” for China’s Scholars’, Tea Leaf Nation, 29 December 2013, online at:

Page 160, Elizabeth Redden, ‘Has China Failed Key Test?’, Inside Higher Ed, 21 October 2013, online at:

Page 161, Anne Henochowicz, ‘Chinese Dreaming in the Ivory Tower’, China Digital Times, 1 November 2013, online at:

Page 162, CCTV News, ‘Xi Jinping’s Important Speech at the Conference on Diplomatic Work with Neighbouring Countries’ 习近平在周边外交工作座谈会上发表重要讲话, People’s Daily, 25 October 2013, online at:

Page 162, Xu Danei 徐达内, ‘A Community of Shared Destiny’ 命运共同体, Financial Times, 24 October 2013, online at:

Page 163, See the two reports by David Bandurski, ‘Paper Goes Public Over Reporter’s Detention’, China Media Project, 23 October 2013, online at:; and ‘Guilt and shame in China’s Media’, China Media Project, 30 October 2013, online at:

Page 165, People’s Daily Overseas Edition, ‘Self-Cultivation through Learning: Famous Classical Quotations by Xi Jinping’ 习得修身篇: 习近平引用的古典名句, People’s Daily, 8 May 2014, online at: See the account by Josh Chin, ‘Literary Leaders: Why China’s President Is So Fond of Dropping Confucius’, China Real Time, 9 May 2014, online at:

Page 165, Steven Q. Andrews, ‘China’s air pollution reporting is misleading’, chinadialogue, 27 March 2014, online at:

Page 168, Ju Jing, Sun Tiantian and Yang Qiaochu, ‘The Use of Honorifics in Officialdom’ 官场‘称呼学’, Southern Weekly, 24 April 2014, online at:

New Internet Slang and Memes


Page 164, 政协发言人回答南华早报涉周永康问题 你懂的, YouTube, uploaded 2 March 2014, online at:; 政协发言人回应有关周永康传闻:你懂, iFeng, 2 March 2014, online at:

Learn from Xi

Yang Zhenwu

People’s Daily 人民日报: 杨振武:做好新形势下舆论引导工作的科学指南——深入学习贯彻习近平同志关于舆论引导的重要论述 (2014-05-28)

People Online 人民网: 跟人民日报社长学习习近平舆论引导重要论述 (2014-05-29)

Zero Tolerance零容忍:



Forum: Xi Who Must Be Obeyed, pp. 174-203

Page 176, ‘Ten Insightful Quotations by “Big Daddy” Xi on the Arts’, 习大大的10句文艺妙语, People’s Daily, 19 October 2014, online at:

Page 180, Zhou Xiaoping 周小平, ‘Please Don’t Be Unworthy of This Age’ 请不要辜负这个时代, 14 June 2013, online at:

Page 182, Chen Qiufan, ‘The Torn Generation: Chinese Science Fiction in a Culture in Transition’, translated by Ken Liu,, 15 May 2014, online at:

Page 190, Didi Kirsten Tatlow, ‘Seeking More From Chinese Films’, Sinosphere, 10 April 2014, online at:

Page 203, The artist’s name is also transliterated as Chang Ta Ch’ien (using Wade Giles transliteration), Zhang Daqian (using Pinyin) or Chang Dai Chien. Here we follow the transliteration used by the Chang Dai-Ch’ien Residence memorial, of the National Palace Museum, Taiwan.

Chapter 5: Urban, Mobile and Global, pp 204-229

Page 208, ‘Party and government regulations for strict economic practices to combat waste (党政机关厉行节约反对浪费条例)’, Xinhua, 25 November 2013, online at:

Page 208, ‘Rules on Party and government domestic official business reception management 党政机关国内公务接待管理规定’, Xinhua, 8 December 2013; online at:; the ‘cage of regulations’ 制度的笼子, January 2013; and the ‘eight rules on official behaviour’ 八项规定, December 2012.

Page 211,北海公園乙十六餐廳:整改后降價面向大眾 (Yishiliu restaurant in Beihai Park: reduced prices for the general public after corrective action), The Beijing News 新京報, 16 January 2014, online at:

Page 211, ‘庆丰包子铺“主席套餐”受热捧’ (Qingfeng steamed bun shop ‘Chairman’s combo’ has become a hit), 新良图片, 29 December 2013, online at:

Page 213, Liu Lian, ‘Is the shine gone from luxury goods?’, China Daily Asia, 19 February 2014, online at:

Page 213, Claudio D’Arpizio, ‘Luxury goods worldwide market study spring 2014’, Bain & Company, 19 May 2014.

Page 213, Bernice Chan, ‘Anger towards mainland visitors likely to worsen unless problems addressed’, South China Morning Post, 25 April 2014, online at:

Page 218, ‘Planet plutocrat: our crony capitalism index’, The Economist, 15 March 2014,

Page 219, Tony Lai, ‘Cards fall the wrong way’, Macau Business Daily, 9 May 2014, online at:

Page 220, Ian Young, ‘Exclusive: How mainland Chinese millionaires overwhelmed Canada’s visa scheme, South China Morning Post, 6 February 2014, online at:

Page 220, Catherine McGrath, ‘Cashed-up foreign real estate investors view $85k fines as cost of doing business, parliamentary committee told’, ABC News, 27 June 2014, online at:

Page 221, 王岐山:加强管理和监督配偶子女移居国外官员 ‘Wang Qishan: Strengthening management and supervision of officials with spouses and children abroad’, Xinhua, 25 February 2013, online at:; and讓“裸官”賠了夫人又折兵 , Xinhua, 27 February 2013, online at:

Other references

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Chapter 6: The Sword of Discipline and the Dagger of Justice, pp. 260-287

Page 265, Elizabeth LaForgia, ‘China detains rights lawyer ahead of Tiananmen Square anniversary’, Jurist, 7 May 2014, online at:

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Page 272, ‘最高人民法院发布人民法院保障民生典型案例’, China Court Internet, 17 February 2014, online at:
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Page 272, Cao Yin, ‘Courts ordered to make trials more transparent’, China Daily, 28 November 2013, online at: See also China Law Translate, ‘SPC Opinion On 3 Platforms For Judicial Transparency’, China Law Translate, 29 November 2013, online at:

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Page 278, Jeremy Daum, ‘Updated: Quick Note on Picking Quarrels’, China Law Translate, 6 May 2014, online at:

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Page 281, Zhou Dongxu, ‘Despite Ban, County Holds Convict Parade Days before Rule of Law Plenum’, Caixin, 24 October 2014, online at:

Page 282, ‘[媒目]公捕公判:早该停止的强权游戏’, The Beijing News, 23 October 2014, online at:

Forum: The Rights and Wrongs of the Law, 288-321

Page 298,