Ye Xiangzhen. The Ye family remains one of China’s most powerful in both politics and business.
Photo: Sina.cn
Ye Xiangzhen 叶向真, also known as Lingzi 凌子, Deputy Head of the All-China Confucius Academy 中华孔子学会副会长, member of the Fourth Generation of film-makers and eldest daughter of Marshall Ye Jianying 叶剑英 (one of the founders of the PLA):
The Red Second Generation witnessed the frugality and struggles of their parents’ generation, the fact that they were willing to shed blood and martyr themselves for the nation. They are profoundly influenced by their fathers and, relatively speaking, are not easily corruptible.
Zhou Bingde 周秉德, former Deputy Chief of the China News Agency and niece of former premier Zhou Enlai 周恩来:
The reason that bureaucrats from a Red Second Generation background are only very rarely involved in corruption is that they have inherited the tradition from their parents of placing the People and the Nation above all.
Tao Siliang 陶斯亮, the pre-1966 Party elder Tao Zhu’s 陶铸 daughter, Deputy Director of the China Mayors’ Association 中国市长
Through revolution and the heritage of blood our parents bequeathed to us the Red Gene 红色基因. I don’t believe that this gene will ever lose its lustre, because we will carry it forward. I’m willing to admit that I’m a Red Second Generation because that’s just what I am, [a member of] the second generation of revolutionaries. It is time for us to play our natural, positive role and support General Secretary Xi Jinping in carrying out the anti-corruption campaign pursuing reform to the end.

‘It is for real now! The breeze is blowing away the evil air,’ said Hu Muying when she convened The Children of Yan’an at Spring Festival in 2014. Hu Muying is the daughter of the late Hu Qiaomu, a former politburo member and writer who served both Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping
Photo dvpd.com.cn
Hu Muying 胡木英, the daughter of Party propagandist and writer extraordinaire Hu Qiaomu 胡乔木, and the organiser of The Children of Yan’an 北京延安儿女联谊会:
The Centre under General Secretary Xi Jinping has raised high the banners of ‘Opposing the Four Winds’, Anti-Corruption Pro-Frugality and Mass Line Education. These Three Banners are backed up by real action against the ill-winds and pernicious miasma that has suffused our world for many years, and he has taken the knife to both Tigers and Flies.
This is a Life and Death Struggle! I sincerely hope that our Red Second Generation will clearly recognise the [gravity of the] situation, and during this struggle firmly support and closely coordinate with our Central Committee led by General Secretary Xi Jinping so that we can contribute our meagre energies, carry on the revolutionary legacy of our fathers’ generation of party members, pass on and enhance the positive energy of the past, discover and support all of society’s healthy energies, not create interference by means of distracting broadsides, not create more problems than we help resolve, not believe in or spread rumours, not interfere with the strategy of the Centre and, like our fathers before us, and for the sake of the enterprise of the Party and the greater good of the People, to cast aside our individual needs, overcome our present or historical resentments and grudges, unite as one and work to make China wealthy and strong and realise the great dream of the renaissance of the Chinese nation.